Sunday, January 13, 2013

He's a happy dog! I have proof!

Giles has been such a delightful house guest he gets to stay a little while longer! Yay!

He's loving it here, actually. He loves the carpet in the house so he walks around freely. He's eating well (he ate well at The Man's house, tho). He ADORES the backyard. He runs from one side to the other and prances around. Yesterday it was 60 degrees and sunny here (such a weird January!) so we spent a lot of time outside. He LOVED that and ran all over the place, prancing and just being a great dog.

As a matter of fact, he's so comfortable, he likes to relax in a position called "roaching" in the Greyhound world. Oh, all dogs do this but us greyhound lovers are apparently nuts and have our own lingo and we call this roaching.

I had the giggles so bad watching him sleep like this for 20 minutes! I could barely contain myself. And yes, he was truly asleep!

Also, apparently, when a grey sleeps like this it mean he's completely comfortable and happy in his surroundings. So, the experiment of visiting my dad has been a good one.

A girl and her (silly) grey

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